Site Management
Gateway URL:
View saved site records.
Site Management Table
Filter By:
All retrieves all records.
Date lets you select a custom timeframe to search for records.
- Select the timeframe for which you wish to view sites by choosing the appropriate values using the start and end datepickers. You can type a date value in the format set under Account Preferences or pick a date using the datepicker UI. The # column on the left with the gray boxes represent disease weeks. Clicking on a disease week number will autopopulate the start/end inputs with the appropriate values for that disease week.
The table is sorted by site code, deactive date then id, but you can sort the table by any field by clicking on the column name.
Beneath the table, you can navigate between pages using the arrows or clicking on a page number. You can also change how many sites to display on a single page using the Items/page dropdown option.
You can also use the search box on the right to filter results by site code, site ID or other keywords. Clicking the X button will remove the search filter and display the entire table.
Action Buttons:
: Clicking the edit button brings you to a
filled-in site form where you can modify the fields as
: Delete the selected site. This
option is unavailable if there are any records linked to this site.
: Quick link to create a new site revision based on the selected site. This option is only available if the site has a set active or deactive date.