Site Management

View and edit saved sites.

Manage Sites table

Each newly saved site will appear as a row in the table. The all 0s site code refers to the agency headquarters. The table is sorted by increasing site code by default, but you can sort the table by any field by clicking on the column name.

You can search for specific sites by typing the site code or other key words in the search box below the table and clicking the Search button. Clicking the Clear button will remove the search filter and display the entire table.

You have the option to edit and/or delete sites under the Actions column edit-delete links. Note that you cannot delete the all 0s site as the agency headquarters. Clicking the edit link brings you to a filled-in new site page where you can modify the fields as necessary. At the bottom of the editing page, there is a checkbox that should be checked if the edits to the site’s coordinates are considered a correction of information rather than a site relocation. Hover the mouse arrow over the checkbox for examples of what consitutes a correction versus a relocation. When finished editing, click the Update Site button to save changes or click the Back to Manage Sites button to return to the Manage Sites page without saving. Update Site