Service Visit Management

View saved Service Visit records.

Manage Service Visits

Filter By:

  • Recent: See most recently created records. The “Show Me” field allows you to choose the most recent 5 to 100 records.

  • Date: Select a custom timeframe to search for records. Choose the appropriate values using the start and end datepickers. You can type a date value in the format set under Account Preferences or pick a date using the datepicker UI. The # column on the left with the gray circles represent disease weeks. Clicking on a disease week number will autopopulate the start/end inputs with the appropriate values for that disease week.


  • sort the table by any field by clicking on the column name.

  • Beneath the table, you can navigate between pages using the arrows or clicking on a page number. You can also change how many records to display on a single page using the Items/page dropdown option.

  • Use the search box on the right to filter results by keywords. Clicking the X button will remove the search filter and display the entire table.

Action Buttons

  • Pencil icon: Clicking the edit button brings you to a filled-in Service Visit form where you can modify the fields as necessary.

  • Red trash can icon: Delete the selected Service Visit.