Test Result Management

View and edit saved pool test results.

Select the month and year for which you wish to view results by choosing the appropriate values using the drop-down arrows. Click the Change Month/Year button to make the change.

You can view the results either by Pool # or by Submission #. Either table can be minimized and/or maximized by clicking on the respective title next to the arrow.

By Pool

This table shows all test results by Pool ID for the selected time frame. It displays information about the pool, including Collection Date, Trap Type, Species, Sex, and # in Pool. Clicking the checkbox under the Include? column allows that pool’s test results to be viewed along with other checked pools. The Positive? column shows whether that particular pool tested positive and to which pathogen. Clicking the View link under the Actions column takes you to the details for that pool’s results if results for that pool have been submitted. Here, you can edit or delete that result. Editing will pull up a pop-up box with the same fields as the new test result page, which you can then save. Do this if you need to change the Status of the test result from Pending to Positive or Negative, for example.

By Submission

This table shows all test results by Submission ID for the selected time frame. It gives information on how many pools were in the submission and how many of those pools tested positive for any pathogen. Clicking the Submission # gives a print-friendly version of that submission’s form, similarly to the submission management table. Clicking the View link under the Actions column takes to to the details for every pool’s test results for that submission, which you can then edit and delete as before.

There are summary boxes on the right-hand side of the screen describing the tests for the current month by species and by arbovirus results.